Automated Forklifts | Automated Guided Vehicles

Raymond automated lift trucks, AGVs and 3000 series courier forklift trucks
Flexible, Scalable & Reliable Automation

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Automated Solutions to Address Your Labor Challenges

From skilled to reliable, permanent or seasonal, labor is becoming increasingly hard to find and difficult to afford. Automation is becoming an inevitable and invaluable option for warehousing, manufacturing and distribution operations.

Raymond automated guided vehicles and courier trucks deliver fast payback

Fast Payback

Our automated couriers and automatic forklifts deliver fast payback with a low total cost of ownership.

Raymond automated guided vehicles and courier trucks have great flexibility


The equipment's Vision Guided technology allows for easy implementation and offers programmable routes as needed.

Raymond automated guided vehicles and courier trucks have great reliability


Automated couriers help address labor shortages and fluctuations by automating your repetitive, low-value tasks.

Raymond automated guided vehicles and courier trucks have easy scalability


Transfer automated routes via USB to easily add trucks to your fleet, adjust assignments or redeploy the couriers.

Stay at the Forefront of Warehouse Technology & Innovation

  • Interested in staying up-to-date on the latest industry trends in warehouse automation, automated lift trucks and automated material handling systems? We've got you covered.

    Attend one of our educational Technology & Innovation Showcases in a city near you to keep your operations on pace with the economy of now.

Let's Talk Automated Couriers

Interested in a quote, demo or more information about our AGVs and automated couriers? Complete the form below, tell us more about your current needs, and we'll be in touch soon to continue the conversation.